Certificate of Appropriateness




When is a Certificate of Appropriateness (“COA”) Required?

A COA is required for the erection, alteration, restoration, relocation, demolition, or destruction of any exterior portion of any building, structure, or object, including walls, fences, light fixtures, steps, pavement, above-ground utility structures and outdoor signage, located within the Downtown Preservation Overlay District (“POD”) that overlays the existing B-1 Business District.

Ordinary maintenance, repairs, and other work which does not involve any changes to any exterior feature does not require a COA. 

Major Work.

A COA for proposed major changes to any exterior feature within the POD requires a quasi-judicial hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission (“HPC”) in accordance with the provisions of KBC 12.06.050 and 15.08.120.  These Code provisions are available on the Town’s website by clicking the Ordinances link under the Locals tab. 

Minor Work.

Minor work - work which, while resulting in changes to exterior features within the POD, does not result in major changes - may be administratively approved by the Town’s Building Inspector who reserves the right to determine, upon reviewing the application, that the proposed changes constitute major changes which cannot be administratively approved and must be scheduled for a hearing before the HPC.

Applicable Criteria and Standards.

COA applications are considered and decided based upon the Review Criteria set forth in KBC 15.08.120.K (“Review Criteria”) and the Design Standards for the Kure Beach Downtown Preservation Overlay District (“Design Standards”).  The Design Standards are available on the Town’s website by clicking the Historic Preservation Commission link under the Government tab.

Appeals of COA Decisions.

The denial of a COA application for minor work may be appealed to the HPC in accordance with the provisions of KBC 15.08.120.G.4.  Appeals of HPC decisions on COA applications for major work may be taken to the Board of Adjustment within the times set forth in KBC 12.06.040.C                                                                                                                                                

Application Instructions:

  1. Pre-Submittal Conference Requirement: Prior to submitting a COA application, the applicant shall meet with the Town’s Building Inspector to review the proposed work. To schedule a pre-submittal conference, contact Building Inspector Bethany White.  Ms. White’s contact information is listed on the Development and Compliance page under the Departments tab on the Town’s website.
  2. Applications must be complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Applications shall include sketches, drawings, photographs, specifications, descriptions, and/or other material and information describing the proposed work and how it complies with the Review Criteria and Design Standards.
  3. Number of Copies. Minor Work (administrative review): two (2) copies.  Major Work (HPC hearing): eight (8) copies.
  1. Application Fees: Minor Work: $25.00

                                              Major Work: $375.00

  1. Submittal Deadlines: COA applications for minor work, and payment of the required fee, may be submitted on any working day during regular business hours.  A dated letter approving or denying an application for minor work will be issued by the Building Inspector generally within 2 business days after the date on which the application was received.  COA applications for major work, and payment of the required fee, shall be delivered to the Town’s Building and Inspections Department no later than 30 days before the date of the next regularly scheduled HPC meeting.
  2. Site Visits. In conjunction with reviewing a COA application, Town Staff may visit the subject property to obtain a better understanding of the conditions pertaining to the proposed work.





Printable Application 


Historic Preservation Commission Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. or soon thereafter at Town Hall.

HPC Agendas & Minutes