The Department of Development and Compliance processes all building-related permit applications. Please call the Inspector's office at 910-458-6535 if you have a question about an application or permit, or if you need to set up a time to meet. Permit applications may be printed from this webpage or you can may use the fillable form to send directly to the Building Inspection office.
Printable Residential Building Permit
Fillable Residential Building Permit
Printable Shed or Accessory Building Permit
Fillable Shed or Accessory Building Permit
Printable Driveway or Hardscaping Permit
Fillable Driveway or Hardscaping Permit
Printable Fill - Grade - Clear Permit
Fillable Fill - Grade - Clear Permit
Printable Special Use Permit Application
Fillable Special Use Permit Application
For CAMA PERMIT applications, click here.
The Town of Kure Beach requires that all persons and businesses wishing to have a special event or film on public property obtain a permit. Please submit a completed special event or film permit application, including detailed site plans, to the Town's Recreation Department. The Recreation Department will reach out upon reviewing the application to gain a complete understanding of the permit request. Depending upon the impact to public property, permit approval may be required from Town Council at a public meeting. For this reason, event/film permit applications involving the closure/disruption of any public amenity or requesting the use of off-duty Police Officers should be submitted with sufficient time for such review. The Town requires comprehensive general liability coverage of $1 million dollars listing the Town as an additionally insured, which will need to be provided to the Town prior to permit approval. You will be notified of any costs pertaining to your request, based off the Town's Fee Schedule. You may be required to meet with representatives of the Town to discuss your request and the associated fees.
Special Event Permit Application
The Town of Kure Beach requires a tent permit for any tent that exceeds 200 square feet.
Tent permit applications are available online and at Town Hall. Processing of tent permit applications takes place in the Department of Development and Compliance.
This permit is issued by front desk personnel at Town Hall. Please fill out the Yard Sale Permit application and bring it to the front desk with your payment. Please read the ordinances pertaining to yard sales that are attached to the permit application.