Beach Vitex
Beach Vitex is an invasive plant that spreads rapidly and poses a threat to native plants and animals. On January 18, 2007, the Town Council approved the Beach Vitex Eradication Program and passed the ordinance regarding Beach Vitex (see below).
To learn more about beach
If a Kure Beach property owner finds Beach Vitex on his/her property, the following action must be taken:
- Identify the plant. Positive identification is necessary. If uncertain, contact the Citizens Beach Protection Committee at Town Hall, 458-8216.
- Contact the Kure Beach Public Works Department at 910-458-5816, located at 401 H Ave., to request and pick up a large, specially-colored disposal bag.
- Remove as much of the plant as possible. Be sure to dispose of the plant and its roots in the bag. DO NOT grind the plant into mulch to be placed on flowerbeds. DO NOT place the plant in garbage containers that will go to the landfill.
- Contact the Kure Beach Public Works Department for pick-up. There will be no fee charged to the property owner for the bags or for the pick-up.
Approximately every 90 days the owner should check the affected area to assure the Beach Vitex plant has not re-rooted. Beach Vitex produces thousands of seeds and may re-seed yearly.
Herbicides such as Roundup Pro or Glystar Pro are also effective, but should only be used with extreme caution.
Sec. 12-41. Beach Vitex prohibited (Ordinance of 1-18-07)
- Because the invasive non-native plant known as Beach Vitex has been found to exist on the beach, and because Vitex grows prolifically which kills native plants such as sea oats and bitter panicum which protects the integrity of the beach berm, and because Vitex is unfriendly to nesting sea turtles and birds dependant upon this habitat, it shall be unlawful for any person to plant Beach Vitex on the beach and the existing Vitex shall be removed when notified by the code enforcement officer as specified by the eradication process filed in the office of the code enforcement officer.
- Any person violating this provision shall be subject to a civil citation in the amount of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for the first offense; second offense shall subject the offender to a civil citation in the amount of fifty ($50.00) dollars. After the second offense each day shall constitute a separate offense until compliance is met.