Thursday, November 7, 2024 - 9:54am

Citizens of Kure Beach,

The Town of Kure Beach has taken part in Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (beach renourishment) events since 1997. Our projects are cost shared 65% federal and 35% nonfederal. The nonfederal split 17.5% comes from state funding and 17.5% from Tourism Funds (ROT). To make these projects happen the Beach Towns sign agreements with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) that spell out the responsibilities of each Municipality. 

The responsibilities are the Town of Kure Beach must maintain 443 parking spaces, necessary roads, parking areas and other public use facilities open and available to all on equal terms.

Earlier this summer we were required to verify that we were in compliance with the current agreement. The Town sent in our justification and the USACOE confirmed we have the required number of parking spaces, but in their interpretation, we do not offer parking on equal terms. We are allowed to charge for parking and the Town interpretation that residents receive a discounted rate for annual passes has never been questioned. The Town offered the following explanation to the USACOE interpretation:

“When the Town considered developing a paid parking program, the main determination was offsetting the cost of services such as Ocean Rescue, Police, Fire/EMS, Recreation and Public Works/Sanitation that the Town provides to visitors at no charge. The provision of these services increased as our Town became a more popular destination. The Town’s logic was based on setting a fair hourly and daily rate along with allowances for weekly visitors, residents, and employees of our local businesses. The Town contends there is tremendous value in owning property within the Town, operating a business, providing employment opportunities and paying local taxes. In accordance with this logic, the Town developed a reduced rate fee schedule that is equitable to owners and lessors of property with the Town and to the business owners and their employees. This approach is extremely fair to all and is applied equally to residents and visitors.”

The USACOE rejected our interpretations and notified us we were not in compliance and that our project was suspended until we came in compliance. You may ask why we didn’t appeal or take legal action. The short answer is we didn’t have the time, and it would have caused us missing the current renourishment cycle scheduled for later this year. 

That brings us to our current situation of changing our parking fees to meet their requirements. We want your feedback and comments. Please review the proposed parking fee changes and give us your thoughts and comments by using the form below by Monday, December 9, 2024. 

Proposed Parking Fee Changes

We will discuss the fee changes at the November Council meeting and vote on the changes at the December meeting.


Allen Oliver, Mayor

Town of Kure Beach