Information on Upcoming Burning in Buffer Zone
The purpose of this announcement is to inform everyone on the upcoming prescribed burning that will take place in the buffer zone adjoining the Town of Kure Beach and Town of Carolina Beach.
The main purpose of the prescribed burn in the buffer zone is to support the operations at Sunny Point Military Terminal through the reduction of fuel load.
Sunny Point will begin burning sometime in the month of November, once the moisture levels and other required factors to burn reach their desired point. The burning will begin no earlier than 9AM, and will end no later than 3:30 PM each day of the burning. They plan on only burning on days in which the wind is blowing towards the river, or slightly north or south with a dominate east wind. They plan to give the fire department a minimum of 48 hours’ notice, with a hopeful weeks’ notice. As soon as the fire department receives this notice, we will inform all citizens and staff through an email blast and announcement on the Towns website.
How Long
The plan is to burn the pre-designated areas over a period of 5 separate days in the month of November, December, and January, but depending on weather and other factors could go as long as February or March. Although 5 days of burning over the next 3-5 months is not a long time, residual smoke from each actual burning day could linger for a few days afterwards.
At this point in time, their plan is to start burning between the fire station and Dow Rd, between K and the first ditch line. If the area stays dry like it has been, they may start on the block south of K Ave behind the disc golf course. You can expect the disc golf course to close for the day of burning.
Who is performing the burn?
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Natural Resources Department is performing all services of the pre-scribed burn. The burn boss has significant experience over a period of 30 years with burning areas close to and adjacent to residential areas. They have stated their desire is to minimize all negative effects to the population as much as possible. They plan to burn during strict times of the day with strict wind and atmospheric patterns for more desired results.
What to Expect
First, as soon as we are notified of burn plans, the fire department will provide citizens and staff with as much information as possible with as much time as possible.
During the 5 days of actual burning, we will most likely shut down Dow Road for a few hours before the burn begins, to a few hours after it ends. We will keep the road closed until it is safe to resume driving through the area, which may linger through the next day.
During the day of burning adjacent to the disc golf course and park, we will most likely close both for the day.
Because the plan is to burn during days where the wind is blowing towards the river, we should not expect much residual smoke throughout Town. However, as we all know, conditions can change at any moment. I would plan on potentially having residual smoke in the area throughout the entire week of each of the 5 burning days, with most of it occurring during the morning hours when the atmospheric ceiling is lower.
Future Announcements
I will send all future announcements within 24 hours of receiving notice from the burn boss.
Edmund Kennedy
Fire Chief
Kure Beach Fire Department