Friday, September 20, 2024 - 2:30pm

The Town will begin storm debris removal starting Monday, September 23, 2024. As Kure Beach property owners begin cleaning up from Monday's Tropical storm Cyclone 8, the Town asks that flood/storm related debris be placed in piles in the right-of-way (ROW) in front of your home, separated by debris type:

    -Vegetative debris: The contractor will be picking up vegetative debris, this is a change since yesterday's communication (leaves,  plants, logs, tree branches, etc.

    -Inert building materials/Furniture/Other: carpet, wood, bricks, siding, shingles, insulation, furniture, mattresses, clothing, etc.

    -Appliances: Please REMOVE ALL FOOD from refrigerators before placing in ROW.

    -Electronics and Household Hazardous Waste: these categories will need to be brought to a drop off point (Town Hall) later next week once the waste stream pathway is defined. Do not put these items at the curb or mix them with any of the other piles of debris.


  • DO not put any debris pile over your water meter (the machinery could damage it and cause a leak)
  • DO not put any debris pile over a stormwater drain
  • DO not place the debris within 10 feet of a fire hydrant or a Stop sign
  • DO place the debris in the road right of way (but not onto the roadway) as it is a FEMA requirement that the material be on Public Property for pickup
  • DO not place the debris 5 feet within mailboxes

Debris collection will take place over the next few weeks. The last date of debris collection will be communicated late next week after the contractor can evaluate the amount of debris the Town has. We  will notify residents via emergency alerts with a minimum of 5 days notice before the last pickup. Notifications will be posted regularly so please make sure you are signed up for alerts. Please click here to sign up.