Kure Beach Holiday Market

Repeats every week every Saturday until Sat Nov 28 2020.
Come enjoy the closest market to the Atlantic Ocean, the Kure Beach Holiday Market. Join us Saturday, November 21st & 28th between 9:00 AM-3:00 PM to get a jump start on your holiday shopping while supporting local talent. You can enjoy beautiful ocean view as you browse through items handcrafted by our talented artists, crafters, and food vendors.
Bring a new, unwrapped toy or minimum $5 cash donation for Toys for Tots by the Town of Kure Beach booth during the event and you can enter to win a raffle basket of items donated by our talented and generous vendors. We thank you in advance for helping make Christmas brighter for children in our area.
This event will involve road closures in downtown Kure Beach. The section of Atlantic Avenue between K and L Avenues will be closed late Friday evening and reopened to the public by 5:00 PM on Saturday of both weekends. All parked vehicles within this section of road will need to be cleared by 6:00 AM on Saturday, November 21st and Saturday, November 28th.