Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 10:55am

To the Citizens of Kure Beach:

Over the next days, the Town will be assessing the damage of Monday’s storm. If you have damage to your home please contact our Development and Compliance Department so we can track the damages. You can call 910-458-6535 or email the Director of Development and Compliance, Bethany White at b.white@townofkurebeach.org

Please be patient with us through this unprecedented time we are going through. Many lifelong residents of Kure Beach have never seen a storm like this. Part of the reason we live here is the closeness of the Community and the sense of pride we have in our Town. I promise you we will be stronger after this all clears.

Town Hall experienced significant flooding Monday. Our September Town Council meeting for Monday September 16th was cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Our next regular Council meeting will be Monday, October 21st. Until the repairs are finished at Town Hall  committee meetings may be rescheduled or moved to other locations. Please check the Town Website for updated information on meetings and events. Please click here to sign up for Town notifications and emergency alerts. We will let you know well in advance of meeting changes in times or locations.

If you have questions or concerns please contact me at a.oliver@townofkurebeach.org or call Town Hall at 910-458-8216.

Mayor, Allen Oliver