Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 4:46pm

Kure Beach Residents,

Town staff, the Mayor and I have been working most of yesterday and today with NHC Emergency Management, NC Emergency Management and debris contractors on our debris plan.  Debris pickup for Demolition debris is scheduled to begin on Monday, September 23, 2024. NC Emergency Management is reviewing the contracts and will be in Town on Friday to assess the initial amount of debris throughout Carolina and Kure Beach. Please review this information and the graphic below for additional guidance.

Vegetative Debris must be separated and will be picked up by the Town’s Public Works Department on Thursdays per the Town’s normal processes. Please ensure that this debris is separated from Demolition debris by 5 feet as the Debris contractor is not allowed to mix the debris.

Appliance and White Goods must be in a separate pile than either of the other debris and will be picked up by the contractor starting Monday as well. 

Electronics and Household Hazardous Waste  - these categories will need to be brought to a drop off point (Town Hall) later next week once the waste stream pathway is defined.  Do not put these items at the curb or mix them with any of the other piles of debris.


  • DO not put any debris pile over your water meter (the machinery could damage it and cause a leak)
  • DO not put any debris pile over a stormwater drain
  • DO not place the debris within 10 ft of a fire hydrant or a Stop sign
  • DO place the debris in the road right of way (but not onto the roadway) – as it is a FEMA requirement that the material be on Public Property for pickup
  • DO protect yourself and neighbors by ensuring no sharp edges or boards with nails are exposed to passersby


Very Respectfully,

David W. Heglar, PE

Emergency Manager