Friday, February 14, 2025 - 11:34am

PSA: Civil War Reenactment at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson

Winnabow, 14 February 2025:

This is a public service announcement for the residents of the Lower Cape Fear from Wilmington to Southport. Residents and visitors will hear loud booms emitting along the river on Saturday February 15, 2025. There is nothing to be concerned with, this will be from the 160th Anniversary of the Fall of Fort Anderson Civil War program. During the day there will be artillery firings at 11am, 1pm, and 2:30pm; and infantry firings at 11:30am and 2pm. From 6:30 until 7pm there will be a battle reenactment, and that is when the artillery and infantry fire will be the loudest and continuous. This will mainly be heard across the river at Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and lower River Road. A major pre-Revolutionary port on North Carolina's Cape Fear River, Brunswick was partially burned during the Revolutionary War and never fully recovered. During the Civil War, Fort Anderson was constructed atop part of the ruins of the town and served as part of the Cape Fear
River defenses below Wilmington before the fall of the Confederacy. Colonial foundations dot the present-day tour trail, which crosses the earthworks of the Confederate fort. Today, visitors to the site can see the archaeological ruins of the foundations of the colonial
kitchens, home sites and various outbuildings that once stood as a colonial port town, along with the shell of St. Philip’s Anglican Church. Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site is administered by the Division of State Historic Sites in the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

Sincerely aye,
Jim McKee